One time I had a dream that I was downloading a chocolate pudding. In the dream world, I had the thought "I could really go for some chocolate pudding", and all I had to do was go online, hit a couple of buttons, and boom: I had chocolate pudding sitting right in front of me, downloaded from the deep web. Then someone woke me up from the dream and asked me to move my car so they could get out of the driveway. There was no pudding waiting for me on my desk. There wasn't even any pudding in the house. What I'm saying is, the real world is bullshit and no one should have anything to do with it
To that end, I present here some fake languages suitable for use in the dream world. The Language of the Book is the perfect language to use when you need to summon demons and spirits to do your terrible bidding. I actually don't have any others typed up yet but I will. keep the change you filthy animal